Why a sample work test will identify the software developers you need to hire

Not long ago, tech recruiters and companies faced a massive hurdle in conducting compelling interviews to hire software development talents. There were few practical ways to predict developers’ future performances. Today, better options are available; the most effective is the sample work test. The idea is well-known and used in other fields but is now gaining traction in the dev sector.

What makes the sample work test special? And how can you best incorporate it into your business? This article will hold your hands through the answers to both questions.

What is a Sample Work Test?

A sample work test involves giving candidates a sample problem, similar to ones they will encounter while working for you, and objectively evaluating their performance. In contrast with a trial period, a sample work test must;

  • Closely mirror, as closely as possible, the work they will perform in the desired role at your company
  • Be standardized so that every candidate takes the same test
  • Must generate data and a grade, rather than just a pass/fail result
  • Be brief, lasting no more than an hour or two.

Why a Sample Work Test is Best for Testing Software Developers

There are tons of company representatives’ testimonies to rightly conclude that a sample work test is the best indicator of a developer’s future performance. For example, Laszlo Bock, former Senior VP of People Operations at Google, Inc, said in a BBC interview that sample work tests were the best indicators of future performance of all the tests utilized by Google.

The efficacy of sample work tests is further validated by various researches conducted on testing methods; their results generally point to sample work tests as the best indicators of future performance. A review of 85 years’ worth of research on the subjectwas conducted by Frank L. Schmidt of the University of Iowa and John E. Hunter of Michigan State University in 2018, and the results found that sample work tests tied General Mental Aptitude (GMA) tests for the most effective predictors of future performance. Sample work tests edged GMAs by being void of bias against minorities, a disparity with GMA tests.

How to Build Effective Sample Work Tests

The following tips will help your company better implement sample work tests for interviewing development talent.

  • It’s been reiterated in this article that the tasks should be similar to tasks employees will handle at the company. However, it also involves the company environment. Present developers with libraries and frameworks your company uses including external resources such as GitHub, and Google. Besides, it whets their appetite with a taste of the technologies your company uses.
  • Enforce a time limit. Neither you nor the developer has weeks to perfect their code on a task. Therefore, you want them to turn in their best work in as little time as possible. Thus, a time limit gives you an additional benchmark to qualify candidates.
  • Score the test according to an objective rubric. This helps to eliminate bias by providing clear criteria.

To avoid ruining your company’s reputation, this test should not be taken as an opportunity to enjoy free services from developers. Rather, it’s a test to help you hire proficient, problem-solving developers that your company will cherish.