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Why a sample work test will identify the software developers you need to hire Not long ago, tech recruiters and companies faced a massive hurdle in conducting compelling interviews to hire software development talents. There were few practical ways to predict developers' future performances. Today, better options are available; the most effective is the [...]

What Happens When Developers are (Un)happy

The link between happiness and productivity for developers is an area of increasing interest for software companies and tech industry stakeholders. Happy developers get more done; unhappy developers get less done. Let’s take a closer look from both ends. What Happens When Developers are Unhappy Reduced Performance This is the most significant impact of [...]

How to screen the most important DevOps skills

The multifactorial process of screening a DevOps Engineer is tricky. This is because you can hardly find a company role with a definition more subjective than the role of a DevOps engineer. Unlike this role, most positions in the software engineering field have specific skill sets attached to them. However, since most organizations digitalize [...]

How To Select The Best IT Staffing Agency For Your Business

As a business owner, you definitely want the most talented staff with the right skill and emotional intelligence level. On the other hand, every random job seeker, irrespective of their competence level, aspires to get the best job. There are loads of incompetent prospective employees out there looking to grab the next paycheck without delivering value. [...]

How to hire Software Developers in 2021

Hiring a competent software developer might be a little bit tricky. Some reputable hiring managers have confirmed that the most challenging part of their job is hiring a skillful software developer. The challenges are two dimensional - The challenge of identifying and hiring a competent software developer and the challenge of bridging the skill [...]

Skills that matter for software developers looking to get hired

According to recent statistics from reputable tech giant - Microsoft, it is projected that within the next 4 years, there will be about 100 million new jobs for software developers worldwide. And Irrespective of the uncertainties associated with the coronavirus pandemic, Technology will continue to advance. Software Developers must continue to diversify their skillset [...]

Is COVID changing the job market for software developers?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had the world in its grip for over a year now. Among its ill effects is the halting of businesses worldwide and the resulting lay-off of thousands of employees. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the US's unemployment rate was at 14.8% in April 2020 – the highest [...]

How to get a job through a staffing agency

Today's business world is fast-paced, organizations are bombarded with tight deadlines. They are saddled with the responsibility to complete huge tasks in seemingly impossible time frames. For optimal results, employers must recruit the most efficient workforce available. They must strive to enjoy the workmanship of the most formidable human resource teams. Many employers prefer [...]